CRBC Project

KP Chief Minister Advocates Transfer of CRBC Project to Provincial Government

KP Chief Minister Advocates Transfer of CRBC Project to Provincial Government

KP Chief Minister Advocates Transfer of CRBC Project to Provincial Government 700 400 D. I. Khan New City

The Chashma Right Bank Canal (Lift-cum-Gravity) Project has garnered attention as KP Chief Minister Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur presided over a crucial meeting at KP House in Islamabad. The project, aimed at irrigation and agricultural development, took center stage as authorities from relevant provincial and federal departments convened to discuss its implementation.

Meeting Highlights

– The meeting, attended by officials from both provincial and federal departments, focused on key aspects of the CRBC project.

– Participants unanimously agreed to initiate the tendering process by July to expedite project implementation.

– Emphasis was placed on completing essential prerequisites in a timely manner to facilitate smooth progress.

Project Financing

– The federal government has committed to covering 65 percent of the project cost, while the provincial government will bear the remaining 35 percent.

– Additionally, an allocation of Rs20 billion in the development program for the next fiscal year underscores the project’s significance.

Project Impact and Importance

– Upon completion, the CRBC project is expected to irrigate vast swathes of barren land, spanning approximately 286,000 acres.

– This irrigation expansion is poised to boost agricultural production, create employment opportunities, and contribute to agricultural self-sufficiency.

Chief Minister's Directive

– Chief Minister Gandapur stressed the pivotal role of the CRBC Project in ensuring food security for the province and the nation.

– Expressing dissatisfaction with project delays, he urged swift action to expedite implementation.

– Notably, he directed authorities to engage with Wapda for the transfer of the project to the provincial government’s jurisdiction.

Future Endeavors

– In addition to the CRBC Project, plans were set in motion to initiate another project aimed at irrigating an additional 90,000 acres of land in southern districts.

– The Chief Minister underscored the urgency of timely project commencement to maximize benefits for the populace.


The CRBC Project emerges as a cornerstone of agricultural development and economic progress in KP, with Chief Minister Gandapur’s proactive approach signaling a renewed commitment to expediting vital infrastructure projects. With concerted efforts and effective collaboration between federal and provincial entities, the vision of agricultural self-sufficiency and prosperity in KP draws closer to fruition.